Physics CIP pool
This page tells you all you need to know about the computer room at the Physics Department. We also point out what you need to bear in mind following the overhaul of the pool and how the room can be used.

How can I use the computer room?
The computer room is mainly used for tutorials for IT-based lectures, while special events can also be held here. In addition, the room is also available for students who need specific software or do not have their own computer.
The computer room is equipped with 18 workstation computers and can also provide teaching aids such as projectors, whiteboards and books on IT.
Where can I get information, and who can I contact if I encounter problems?
The solutions to common problems are described on the bulletin board.
If you have problems with the registration or the home folder, please first contact the addresses listed below. If you have general problems with your Uni-ID, the University IT can help:
General questions about using the CIP pool can be asked in the CIP pool forum, which is also used to communicate operational messages (e.g. announcing maintenance).

How does the pool work? Do I need an account?
The computer pool is based on Ubuntu Linux workstations, which are set up to enable login with your Uni-ID. Since all students are given a Uni-ID when they enroll, there is no longer any need for specific account management. Users’ own files are stored centrally at University IT. You can log into the CIP pool from home via ssh
Physics CIP pool
Opening hours
Monday to Friday from 7:30 am to around 7 pm
(As the security guards from ASPO are responsible for locking the doors, opening hours can vary slightly.)
Astrophysics CIP pool
Der Computerraum befindet sich im Erdgeschoss des Argelander-Instituts für Astronomie in Raum 0.007.
Argelander-Institut für Astronomie
Auf dem Hügel 71
53121 Bonn