Photonics/Condensed Matter
The area "PhoCoMat" combines research in quantum physics & quantum optics, nanophotonics, statistical physics and condensed matter. The systems under investigation cover the whole range from single quanta up to macroscopic ensembles.
From few to many
In Bonn, the area photonics & condensed matter (PhoCoMat) is investigated both in theory and experiment.
Among others, we study fundamental phenomena of quantum physics such as phases in correlated matter or topological effects. We are also interested in the influence of the environment of quantum systems, for example on the stability of states or phases. We also study applications of (quantum) systems, e.g. in quantum information, simulation or in precision metrology.
The systems under investigation range from single or few atoms, ions or photons via small ensembles up to ultracold atomic gas ensembles and solid state systems. In quantum optics and photonics we study optical quantum gases, effective photon interactions, fiber-based systems as well as photonic and plasmonic structures.

PhoCoMat Research Groups