Equipment and capabilities
Our devices for fiber micromachining, 3D nanoprinting, and precision cleaving and splicing of optical fibers.
By local thermal evaporation of glass with a focused CO2 laser beam, tiny dimples can be machined into various glass substrates. Due to the momentary melting of the glass, the surface of these depressions becomes smooth and symmetric. In this way, mirror shapes with small radii of curvature (~100 µm) can be produced directly on the end faces of cleaved optical fibers. After applying a high-reflective coating, fiber cavities of finesse up to 100 000 can be assembled.
By two-photon polymerization of a lithographic resist, arbitrary three-dimensional structures can be printed with resolution of ~100 nm. Examples are lenses on optical fibers, complex 3D coating masks, optomechanic membrane stacks, dielectric waveguides, and miniature mounts for optical fibers.