Current Shows

Planetamos – The Physics Show Musical
Welcome to PLANETAMOS, the address for planets of all kinds! Join the married couple Vita and Mortis - Life and Death - in the galactic planet store PLANETAMOS.
They both want to buy a planet together. The sales team advises them and shows them entertaining, exciting and amazing experiments. The couple learns how planets are formed, where the most comfortable place in the solar system is and what conditions are necessary for life to develop – in short: what holds the world together at its core.

What's (the) matter?
The discovery of the Higgs boson inspired us to restructure and rewrite our previous particle physics show. The two main characters use magic umbrellas to go on a journey through space and time. Stopping at different important stages of particle physics. Starting at the discovery of the structure of the atom, over development of particle accelerators, up to the detection of the Higgs boson.
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Physics Show
The “Physikshow” was started in 2001. Since then students have regularly been putting together fun and entertaining shows. While the explanations are aimed at children 12 years and up, younger children are also able to enjoy the show. The experiments usually cover several different fields of physics. All experiments are strung together by an overarching story line. In one to two hours we show our audience how much fun physics can be.

Particle Physics Show
In 2004 we created a whole show dedicated to particle physics. In 2008 a new version of this show was performed in different cities outside of Bonn. In 2013 we came up with the current version of the show which premiered in Oxford in 2014. This show follows the developments in particle physics. From the discovery of the structure of the atom to the discovery of the Higgs boson. Since the topic is more complex it is aimed at a slightly older audience (14+).

Physics Show Musical
To our knowledge, “Planetamos” is the world's first physics show musical. The musical was developed in 2019 by a group of physics show members and, in addition to the usual live physics show experiments, also features vocal performances by the actors accompanied by a live orchestra. In the play, the audience learns about the conditions a planet in space must meet for life to emerge and thrive. The explanations of the experiments are suitable for children from the age of 12, but younger children also have a lot of fun in the show!

Christmas Physics Show
The Christmas Physics Show was first developed in 2007 and has been performed annually in the run-up to Christmas since 2016. Originally intended solely for students, the show is now also performed to the public. The experiments and explanations are designed for children aged 12 and over, but the younger audience can also be inspired by the effects!