Project ProMaster
ProMaster is a pilot study for a extensive, conceptional development of the Bachelor Physik and the Master of Physics. The aim is a better individual studyability and an idividually shortest possible time to aquire the Master degree, which usually represents the professionally qualifying degree.
Key points are:
- more flexibility:
- Flexible and individual scheduling of studies, no predefined learning schemes
- Abolition of the strict separation between experiment and theory - Project- and competency-oriented approach:
- Development of key competencies through interdisciplinary, self-designed projects
- In-depth, interdisciplinary seminars - Early research-related projects:
- Research-oriented seminars in collaboration with scientific working groups
- Supplementation and partial replacement of pre-fabricated laboratory courses with self-designed projects within scientific working groups - Collaboration with other universities and research institutions:
- Expansion of the study program
- Incorporation of a professional practical environment -
Individual counseling:
- Continuous (mandatory) academic advising
- Self-reflection, does the study meet the expectations?
- Planning progression, specialization

Participation is strictly voluntary. Special regulations of the examination board ensure that there is no disadvantage regarding admission to exams and the counting of any failed attempts. Participation in individual modules of ProMaster is also possible.
In addition to and partially replacing the existing module plan, the following modules are planned:
Feasible in the coming semester:

Alternative to Lab course 5 in the Bachelor's program
Instead of Lab course 5, a Master module with a significant laboratory component can be undertaken.

Additional Seminar in the Master's program
In addition to the existing seminar, another seminar worth 4 credit points can be included in the area of Elective Advanced Lectures.
Planned for future semesters:
Integrated Atomic Physics-Quantum Mechanics
AQ is intended to consist of a combined lecture covering the content of the regular modules physik411 and physik420. Additionally, the lecture will be supplemented by a comprehensive tutorial and an accompanying seminar.
Research Seminar
for Bachelor students
The research seminar aims to expand the seminar offerings in the transition from Bachelor to Master and be specifically focused on cross-cutting topics.
Tutoring seminar
for Master students
The tutoring seminar aims to prepare students for the important tasks of a tutor and provide methods for didactic, goal-oriented supervision.
Reflection and Counseling Module in Bachelor and Master
In addition to the counseling services, students will engage in self-reflection to determine where they see themselves in their studies. This will enable them to make targeted decisions for their further study organization through individual counseling.
Modules of the past semesters
Summer semester 24
As part of the ProMaster project, during the summer term 24, there is the possibility to replace the lab course 5 (physics660, Praktikum Kern- und Teilchenphysik) with a master course featuring a significant laboratory component.
Instead of lab course 5, in the upcoming semester, the master module physics713 Particle Detectors and Instrumentation can be undertaken. This will allow you to independently explore the same physical content as in lab course 5 in a practical seminar setting.
Winter semester 24/25
As part of the ProMaster project, during the winter term 24/25 you have the possibility to partly replace the lab course 5 (physics660, Praktikum Kern- und Teilchenphysik) with a master course featuring a significant laboratory component.
Instead of some experiments of lab course 5, in the upcoming semester, the master module physics723 Hands-on Seminar: Detector Construction can be undertaken. This will allow you to independently develop hands-on skills in detector construction. This more hardware related work is combined with regular experiments from the lab course 5 that teach you analysis of large data sets and software skills.
In this seminar key papers of both experimental findings and theoretical concepts and
interpretations shall be discussed. The idea is that students study one of theses papers
and present it to the full audience in a 30 – 40 minute talk.
for general requests please use
Prof. Dr. Hartmut Schmieden
W 0.022
Wegelerstr. 10
53115 Bonn